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DeLiberation™ Web Hosting and Mobile Access Service

DeLiberation™ Web Hosting and Mobile Access Access is a free interactive service designed to assist corporations in selecting and contacting providers of such services. Using our service, corporations can electronically submit Requests For Proposals to any Web/Applications Hosting and Mobile Access provider in the world at no cost.

The requests produced by our service are in an easy to ready and comprehend format which ensures that the same information is submitted to all providers. DeLiberation™ Web Hosting and Mobile Access site also includes a directory of more than a hundred of the leading Web/Applications Hosting and Mobile Access service providers from around the globe along with links to their Web sites. Every provider will find it beneficial to register on our site and every corporation will find it useful to become an active client.

Using the DeLiberation™ Web Hosting and Mobile Access service site is quite simple and its users do not require any special technical training or software installated on the client machine. The site is constantly upgraded based on client feedback.

The transactional process of using DeLiberation™ Web Hosting and Mobile Access service is quite simple. First, a corporate representative will fill in and submit an online RFP form. The RFP will then be sent to all selected providers.

To submit an RFP, the service client need only to fill out a simple form selecting from the list of criteria that we defined for your convenience. These criteria include location, Web/Applications Hosting and Mobile Access facilities and services, and information about the security of the service provided.